Norwich Soca Seniors
The WFA National Cup
70+ Champions 2021 & 2022
65+ R/U 2021
The WFA Club of the year 2022
New Player Training Kit Shop with Track Top & Pants, Training T, Socks, Bag & a new Club Polo.

About Norwich Soca Seniors
Extract from a Norfolk FA editorial.
We spoke to Norwich Soca Seniors Secretary, Chris Rackham, who has been involved with the group from the very beginning and asked him:
How did the Norwich Soca Seniors group begin and then grow into the success that it is today?
“The Football Development Centre (FDC) in Norwich initiated a Walking Football Taster Session at its Bowthorpe facility in 2015. About seven or eight players turned up, all instantly hooked by the concept of playing football again after long periods of absence. The numbers quickly grew until there were enough bodies to begin regular weekly 5-a side matches.
At about the same time the UEA Sportspark had begun offering walking football sessions under its ‘Fitness in Later Life’ initiative. It was not long before participants at the UEA began to attend the FDC sessions and vice versa.
Numbers at both venues grew steadily during 2015 and it quickly became obvious to players that the game offered, not only an enjoyable way of keeping fit, but provided a gateway to form new friendships and revive the camaraderie experienced through participation in team sports like football.
Late in 2015 the players at both venues got together to form their own club - Norwich Soca Seniors - a name loosely based on the South American team BOCA Juniors. A preference for playing at the FDC soon became apparent and that is where the club is now based. A strong relationship between the club and the FDC was forged. By 2016 numbers had risen to 40 plus players.
The growth in popularity of walking football experienced by the Norwich club was mirrored nationally and it was not long before the club was participating in local and international tournaments. We played our first international tournament in 2016, and have participated in further tournaments in Italy 2017, Spain and France in 2018. The club’s over 65s team has been crowned European Masters Champions for the last two years and its trophy cabinet at the FDC bears witness to its teams’ UK successes.
Last year the club reached the finals of the National Walking Football Tournament in Gloucestershire.
Interested in joining us?
NSS is committed to the Health & well being of all our members and all those wishing to join the club who are new to Walking Football must first go through an induction process that will include a Health check before being invited to play.
Any new members should first contact our Chairman by email for further information.
The club plays every Monday & Friday from 10 to 12.
Every player regardless of ability is welcome to join us, the membership fee is currently £12 pa - the playing cost per session is £4.50 but that includes a coffee afterwards.
We have more than 130 members currently registered.
If you are a member of another club holidaying in Norfolk you are welcome to play with us needing first contact at least two days before. You would need to contact Neville using the email above. £1 buys you a one month membership with playing fees of £4.50 per session.
The WFA National Cup Winners 70+
2022 Played at Lilleshall

The WFA National Cup Winners 70+
2021 Played at Watford.

The WFA National Cup R/U 65+
2021 Played at Barnsley

Giving back ...
Having such wonderful sponsors has allowed us to support others, including East Anglian Children's Hospice with £1562 in 2017 and Prostrate Cancer with £1825 in 2018 & again in 2019 with a further £1557 with £100 gifted to a Defib Charity.
In 2022 we held our Ukraine tournament involving 12 teams with some 96 players raising £1400 from entry fees, raffles & cakes.
In July 2022 we held our club tournament raising funds for prostrate cancer .. ​with 31 teams registered making it we believe the biggest one day tournament in the Country.
With the club covering the £745 costs we raised a huge £3520 for Prostrate Cancer UK.
In 2023 we set ourselves a huge 5k target raising a wonderful £5462.50 shared between two local Charities… Nelson’s Journey and Ambers Army
both of whom do amazing work.
Made possible by the players, the teams, the staff at the FDC, the committee, especially our Tournament Organiser Geoff Brown.
With thanks to the EDP for their support.
In 2024 we went again, this time raising funds for MensCraft & Teenage Cancer Trust.
31 teams attended raising a wonderful 4879.50 shared between our 2 wonderful Charity Partners.
We've raised just over £20,000 from our tournaments.
Thank you to everyone that plays, that contributes, that makes it happen.